
Legal disclaimer


The owner of the website is ST Cartera, S.L., a member company of the Grupo Sociedad de Tasación. The company is registered in the Registro Mercantil de Madrid, on page number M-127378, with its CIF B-80/874886. Its registered office is located at Calle Príncipe de Vergara n ° 43, CP 28001 in Madrid. The contact details of the company are the following:

Phone number: (+34) 91-436-02-00 C/ Príncipe de Vergara n° 43, CP 28001 de Madrid

ST Cartera S.L. was incorporated in Madrid on April 21, 1994, its corporate purpose being the acquisition, transfer, holding and administration of securities, as well as the administration, management and control of companies and businesses, all on its own account, and the sale and leasing, for their own account, of real estate.

The activities of Collective Investment Institutions and those regulated by Securities Market legislation and, in general, all those activities subject to specific legislation whose performance is subject to administrative authorizations are excluded from the corporate purpose.

General Information and General Conditions of use of the website

The information provided on this website and which refers to the structure, composition and services of Grupo Sociedad de Tasación and ST Cartera S.L. and responds to the current reality of the company. In the event that said information may contain, at any time, errors or omissions concerning the entity, the pertinent correction will be carried out, through the updates that are periodically carried out. Regarding the technical information that may be offered, it will come from sources accessible to the public, so ST Cartera S.L. It is not responsible for the accuracy, precision, completeness and / or timeliness of the content of said information, nor for the content that, provided by third parties or entities, are published on this website. Similarly, ST Cartera S.L. cannot guarantee that said information has not suffered variations due to regulatory changes that may occur. That is why the use that he makes of the information offered on this website will be the complete and total responsibility of the user.

Likewise, Grupo ST and ST Cartera SL reserve the right to temporarily suspend the services and contents of this website in order to carry out maintenance, improvement or repair operations thereof, without there being any right to compensation in favor of the user for these concepts.


ST Cartera, S.L. adopts all the technological measures at its disposal to guarantee the proper functioning of this website, although it is not responsible, in any case, for damages of any nature that may be caused by its use, listing, by way of example and not limited to, the interruption or malfunction, delays, lack of availability of the portal or the transmission of viruses or malicious or harmful programs in the contents, or that negatively affect computer systems, and, in general, other inconveniences that may have their origin in causes beyond the control of ST Cartera SL

Intellectual and Industrial Property

All content displayed on this website, and especially designs, texts, graphics, logos, icons, buttons, software, trade names, trademarks, industrial drawings or any other signs susceptible of industrial and commercial use, are subject to Intellectual and industrial property rights, either owned by ST Cartera SL, or by third parties with whom an agreement has been previously reached for the exploitation of the website.

In no case will it be understood that any license is granted or that a waiver, transmission, total or partial transfer of said rights is made, nor is any right or expectation of right conferred, and especially, of alteration, exploitation, reproduction, distribution or public communication about said contents, without the express prior authorization of ST Cartera SL.

Navigation Requirements

The website design is developed to be displayed correctly in the most common browsers:

  • Mozilla Firefox.
  • Google Chrome.
  • Microsoft Edge.
  • Safari.

ST Cartera recommends keeping the browser versions updated for the correct display of the website.

Some documents on this website may require a PDF document reader, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader or Foxit Reader.

Flash Player 8.0 or higher is recommended for graphics, videos, and maps.

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